Inspection Forms

To enable inspection forms, you will first need to enable FORMS for your account.

To do so, please go under Recon > Recon Settings > Advanced and enable Forms

When you click the (manage) button, you will see a screen with no forms present. Click the 'Load Sample Data' button to create sample MPI form.

Click the Groups section to manage groups/sections on the form.

To manage questions in each group, click the questions button and your screen will look similar to the one shown below.

You can add a single question using the 'Add' button and the screen will ask you for text to show for the question and the type of question it is (Traffic Light or Yes/No)

You can also select services you'd like to have auto-suggest when this question is answered.

You can also add multiple questions at once using the 'Add Bulk' screen.

Last updated